Sunday, April 30, 2006

Bidang Kajian Sosiologi dan Interaksi Sosial

Pengantar Sosiologi

Bag 1

Pengertian Sosiologi

Sosiologi merupakan ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari tentang pergaulan hidup antara seseorang dengan seseorang, perseorangan dengan golongan atau golongan dengan golongan. Dengan demikian terdapat dua unsur pokok dalam sosiologi, yaitu manusia dan hubungan sosial (masyarakat). Terdapat berbagai pendapat tentang kedudukan individu dan masyarakat ini. Di satu pihak ada yang berpendapat bahwa individu lebih dominan daripada masyarakat, tetapi di pihak lain berpendapat bahwa masyarakat lebih dominan daripada individu. Sementara itu terdapat pendapat yang mengambil posisi tengah yang mengatakan bahwa antara individu dan masyarakat terjadi proses saling mempengaruhi. Sejumlah kritik diajukan kepada sosiologi, yaitu 1) sosiologi adalah ilmu yang sulit, 2) sosiologi hanya merupakan kumpulan dari berbagai kajian ilmu sosial lainnya, dan 3) tidak ada lapangan yang khusus bagi sosiologi karena objeknya telah banyak digarap oleh ilmu-ilmu sosial lainnya.

Sosiologi merupakan cabang ilmu sosial yang dahulunya berinduk pada ilmu filsafat. Dengan demikian pokok-pokok pikiran sosiologi tidak bisa terlepas dari pemikiran para ahli filsafat yang mengkaji tentang masyarakat. Sosiologi mengalami perkembangan yang pesat pada abad ke-20, di mana pada masa ini mulai banyak bermunculan berbagai cabang sosiologi, seperti sosiologi industri, sosiologi perkotaan, sosiologi pedesaan, dan lain-lain. Pemikiran para ahli yang mengkonsentrasikan diri pada masalah kajian sosiologi ini dibedakan atas tokoh-tokoh sosiologi klasik dan tokoh-tokoh sosiologi modern.

Bidang Kajian Sosiologi

Sosiologi sebagai ilmu sosial yang mempunyai fokus kajian mengenai tingkah laku manusia mempunyai bidang kajian yang sangat luas, antara lain bidang kajian Sosiologi Industri, Sosiologi Hukum, Sosiologi Pendidikan, Sosiologi Perkotaan, Sosiologi Pedesaan, Sosiologi Kesehatan, dan lain-lain.

Sosiologi Industri mengkaji masalah fenomena industri dengan menitikberatkan kajiannya pada faktor manusia, dan mengaitkannya dengan faktor mesin serta mekanisme kerja pabrik yang berorientasi pada efisiensi dan efektivitas. Sedangkan Sosiologi Hukum merupakan cabang sosiologi yang mengkaji fenomena-fenomena hukum yang ada di masyarakat. Sementara itu Sosiologi Pendidikan mengkaji proses-proses sosiologis yang berlangsung dalam lembaga pendidikan dengan tekanan dan wilayah tekanannya pada lembaga pendidikan. Di lain pihak Sosiologi Perilaku Menyimpang mengkaji perilaku dan kondisi yang dianggap tidak sesuai dengan norma-norma yang sudah disepakati dalam masyarakat.

Dalam melakukan kajiannya, terutama pada masyarakat modern, sosiologi perlu bekerja sama dengan ilmu-ilmu sosial lainnya membentuk kajian multidisipliner. Antropologi bisa membantu sosiologi dalam hal metodologi mengingat antropologi mempunyai pengalaman yang sangat panjang dalam melakukan penelitian yang bersifat kualitatif. Psikologi bisa memberi masukan bagi sosiologi dalam hal informasinya mengenai kecenderungan-kecenderungan yang sifatnya individual. Sementara itu sosiologi juga harus meminta bantuan ahli sejarah untuk memberi informasi tentang proses historis yang ada dalam fenomena perubahan sosial

Pengertian Interaksi Sosial

Interaksi sosial dapat diartikan sebagai hubungan-hubungan sosial yang dinamis. Hubungan sosial yang dimaksud dapat berupa hubungan antara individu yang satu dengan individu lainnya, antara kelompok yang satu dengan kelompok lainnya, maupun antara kelompok dengan individu. Dalam interaksi juga terdapat simbol, di mana simbol diartikan sebagai sesuatu yang nilai atau maknanya diberikan kepadanya oleh mereka yang menggunakannya

Proses Interaksi sosial menurut Herbert Blumer adalah pada saat manusia bertindak terhadap sesuatu atas dasar makna yang dimiliki sesuatu tersebut bagi manusia. Kemudian makna yang dimiliki sesuatu itu berasal dari interaksi antara seseorang dengan sesamanya. Dan terakhir adalah Makna tidak bersifat tetap namun dapat dirubah, perubahan terhadap makna dapat terjadi melalui proses penafsiran yang dilakukan orang ketika menjumpai sesuatu. Proses tersebut disebut juga dengan interpretative process

Interaksi sosial dapat terjadi bila antara dua individu atau kelompok terdapat kontak sosial dan komunikasi. Kontak sosial merupakan tahap pertama dari terjadinya hubungan sosial

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

common costume features

common costume features
A superhero's costume helps make him or her recognizable to the general public. Costumes are often colorful to enhance the character's visual appeal and frequently incorporate the superhero's name and theme. For example, Daredevil resembles a red devil, Captain America's costume echoes the American flag, Batman resembles a large bat, and Spider-Man's costume features a spider web pattern. The convention of superheroes wearing masks (frequently without visible pupils) and skintight unitards originated with Lee Falk's comic strip hero The Phantom. Several superheroes such as the Phantom, Superman, Batman and Robin wear breeches over this unitard. This is often satirized as the idea that superheroes wear their underpants on the outside.[citation needed]

Many features of superhero costumes recur frequently, including the following:

Superheroes who maintain a secret identity often wear a mask, ranging from the domino masks of Green Lantern and Ms. Marvel to the full-face masks of Spider-Man and Black Panther. Most common are masks covering the upper face, leaving the mouth and jaw exposed. This allows for both a believable disguise and recognizable facial expressions. A notable exception is Superman, who wears nothing on his face while fighting crime, but uses large glasses in his civilian life as Clark Kent. As well, because Superman possesses super speed, he is able to move his face back and forth quickly enough when he is Superman to blur any distinguishable features. Some characters wear helmets, such as Doctor Fate or Magneto.
A symbol, such as a stylized letter or visual icon, usually on the chest. Examples include the uppercase "S" of Superman, the bat emblem of Batman, and the spider emblem of Spider-Man. Often, they also wear a common symbol referring to their group or league, such as the "4" on the Fantastic Four's suits, or the "X" on the X-Men's costumes.
Form-fitting clothing, often referred to as tights or Spandex, although the exact material is usually unidentified. Such material displays a character’s athletic build and heroic sex appeal and allows a simple design for illustrators to reproduce.
While a vast majority of superheroes do not wear capes, the garment is still closely associated with them, likely because two of the most widely-recognized superheroes, Batman and Superman, wear capes. In fact, police officers in Batman’s home of Gotham City have used the word "cape" as a shorthand for all superheroes and costumed crimefighters. The comic-book miniseries Watchmen and the animated movie The Incredibles humorously commented on the potentially lethal impracticality of capes. In Marvel Comics, the term "cape-killer" has been used to describe Superhuman Restraint Unit, even though few notable Marvel heroes wear capes.

Captain America's costume displays many features common to superheroes. Art by Gabriele Dell'Otto
While most superhero costumes merely hide the hero’s identity and present a recognizable image, parts of the costume (or the costume itself) have functional uses. Batman's utility belt and Spawn’s "necroplasmic armor" have both been of great assistance to the heroes. Iron Man's armor, in particular, protects him and provides technological advantages.
When thematically appropriate, some superheroes dress like people from various professions or subcultures. Zatanna, who possesses wizard-like powers, dresses like a stage magician, and Ghost Rider, who rides a superpowered motorcycle, dresses in the leather garb of a biker.
Several heroes of the 1990s, including Cable and many Image Comics characters, rejected the traditional superhero outfit for costumes that appeared more practical and militaristic. Shoulder pads, kevlar-like vests, metal-plated armor, knee and elbow pads, heavy-duty belts, and ammunition pouches were common features. Other characters, such as The Punisher or The Question, opt for a "civilian" costume (mostly a trench coat).

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Major Signs

The Major Signs
This section needs additional citations for verification.
Please help improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2009)

The major signs are those that will occur closer to the Day of Judgment, and they are said to be very extraordinary.These are the seven major signs of this day.

1)The Appearance of Al-Maseeh-ud-Dajjal, the False Messiah. Ad-Dajjal is said to be a beast who will come claiming to be God holding heaven and hell. His sole purpose is to deceive people and lead them away from the remembrance of Allah, and the unbelievers will follow him. He will have only one good eye and he will be blind in the other eye. On his forehead there will be a sign saying "Kafir," or disbeliever. He will perform some miracles which will serve to deceive some people.

The prophet Muhammed warned,

Whoever hears about the coming of Ad-Dajjal should stay away from him because by Allah, a man could come to him thinking of himself a strong believer but then he will follow Ad-Dajjal because of the doubts he will spread[7]

There are many deceiving miracles Ad-Dajjal will perform to mislead the people on earth. He will appear between the cities of Iraq and Syria and will create disaster left and right. He will command the sky to rain and it will rain. He will command the earth, and it will produce crops. After grazing on these crops, their animals will return with their udders full of milk and their flanks stretched. When he will call people to come to a false region with him and they reject his call, he will leave them and they will suffer famine and will possess no form of wealth. Then lastly he will call a young man brimming with youth; he will strike him with a sword and cut him in two, then place the two pieces at a distance between an archer and his target. Then he will call to him, and the young man will come to him running and laughing.

At that point, Allah will send Isa, Jesus. He will search for the Ad-Dajjal and will find him at the Gate of Ludd (a city in israel). They will engage in fierce battle and Isa will win. Then the Ad-Dajjal will be no more.

2)The Appearance of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj: Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj are two hidden tribes of people.These tribes were disbelieving descendants of prophet Adam. They will come in enormous numbers and will outnumber all the believers of the world. They will break through a barrier that Allah created to hold them back and ravage the earth. They will drink all the water, destroy plants and animals and kill people. This will occur roughly around the time of the second coming of Prophet Isa, Jesus. Finally, Allah will send a type of worm or insect that will wipe them out.

3)The appearance of the Dabbah(the strange beast): The Dabbah is a strange beast who will have the Rod of Moses and the seal of Solomon. He will call people back to Islam. Some will heed to the call while others will reject it. The believers will then have a sign that says: "Believer" while the disbelievers will have a "Disbeliever" sign. The exact description of the animal is unknown.

4)Three Huge Earthquakes: Three major earthquakes will occur on the day of judgment and they will damage a great deal of the earth. One earthquake will occur in the east, another in the west, and the third will be in the Arabian Peninsula.

5)The Smoke: Smoke will appear all over the earth that will cause believers to catch something similar to the common cold, whereas disbelivers will be hit harder by it. Finally, a cool wind will cause all the believers to die. This all the unbelievers left on earth to experience the last hour of the day of judgment.

6)The Sun will Rise from the West: This will be a major sign indicating that the world has reached its end. Allah has created the sun and He always made it rise in the East, however, at the end of time He will reverse this process by making it rise from the West. Once this happens, Allah will not accept the repentance of the disbelievers, it will be too late for them.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Minor Signs

[edit] Minor Signs
This section needs references that appear in reliable third-party publications. Primary sources or sources affiliated with the subject are generally not sufficient for a Wikipedia article. Please add more appropriate citations from reliable sources. (November 2009)

According to Muslim belief, there are signs which will indicate the coming of the day of judgment. These signs are categorized into major and minor signs.[citation needed]

What are they waiting for but for the hour to come upon them suddenly? Its signs have already come. What good will their reminder be to them when it does arrive? [6]

When it will be regarded as a shame to act on Quranic injunctions. (Abu Musa Ash'ari)
When untrustworthy people will be regarded as trustworthy and the trustworthy will be regarded as untrustworthy. (Abu Musa Ash'ari)
Music and musical instruments will be found in every home. (Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood)
When violence, bloodshed and anarchy become common. (Abu Musa Ash'ari)
You shall see the barefoot, naked, shepherds compete in building tall structures. (Sahih Muslim

Monday, April 10, 2006

Barzakh, Judgment

Barzakh is a sequence that happens after death, in which the soul separates from the body and then rests in a cold sleep state.

[edit] Judgment
Main article: Barzakh
During judgment, a man's or a woman's own book of deeds will be opened, and will be apprised of every action one did and every word one spoke (Qur'an 54.52-53). Actions taken during childhood are not judged. The account of deeds is so detailed that the man or woman will be in awe at how comprehensive the account is, such that even lesser and trivial deeds are included. Throughout judgment, however, the underlying principle is that of a complete and perfect justice administered by Allah. The accounts of judgment are also replete with the emphasis that Allah is merciful and forgiving, and that mercy and forgiveness will be granted on that day insofar as it is merited.

While appearing similar to certain parts of the Bible (Ezekiel 18:27, James 2:14-17, 1 Peter 1:17, Revelation 2:23), this is dissimilar to some protestant branches of Christianity, where salvation is by the grace of Yahweh (Titus 2:11) through sharing with Jesus Christ the experience of crucifixion, death, and resurrection (Romans 6:4, Galatians 2:20, Romans 6:9-11), and salvation is not by deeds (Galatians 2:16, 2:21, 3:6-14). Islam, however, emphasizes that grace does not conflict with perfect justice.

The age of the hereafter or rest of eternity is the final stage commencing after the Day of Judgment and all of humanity has received their judgment from Allah. If they were righteous and did good deeds based on their own circumstances, then if Allah wills, by his mercy they go to Jannat (heaven) a state of bliss and if they have attained little in life, and were unrighteous in their actions—or were despite all evidence shown to them bent on denying the truth of life once it was presented to them—based on their own circumstances they shall go to Jahannam (a spiritual state of suffering). This stage of life commences officially after the embodiment of Death is brought up and is slain, thus Death dies literally, and no one will ever experience or behold the concept of Death everafter. Based on the verdict received which is brought upon by each person's individual deeds actions and circumstances in life the Day of Judgment which everyone is judged with the utmost sense of justice, each human will spend this stage of life in Heaven or Hell (which will be a place for purification of the soul so that one realizes the wrongs each has committed in life) . However, those in hell are eligible to go to the state heaven after being purified by the state described as hell at a later time if they "had an atom's worth of faith in them" and the soul is repentful. It is believed by many Muslims that a Muslim will end up in Jannah once their sins have been punished.[citation needed]


The Qur'an states that even the smallest acts of the believers will not be wasted.

[A]nyone who has an atom's worth of goodness will see it and anyone who has done an atom's worth of evil will also see it.[Qur'an 99:7]
Those whose belief in God shaped their correct perception on life, and who did good deeds and are faithful will be tested in this world but will be rewarded in the hereafter if their deeds are deemed acceptable by Allah and vice versa.[Qur'an 2:62][5]

There are some translations of the Qur’an in which we read statements like these:

Surely Allah does not do injustice to the weight of an atom, and if it is a good deed He multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward. S. 4:40 Shakir

And you are not (engaged) in any affair, nor do you recite concerning it any portion of the Quran, nor do you do any work but We are witnesses over you when you enter into it, and there does not lie concealed from your Lord the weight of an atom in the earth or in the heaven, nor any thing less than that nor greater, but it is in a clear book. S. 10:61 Shakir

The Unbelievers say, "Never to us will come the Hour": Say, "Nay! but most surely, by my Lord, it will come upon you; - by Him Who knows the unseen, - from Whom is not hidden the least little atom in the heavens or on earth: Nor is there anything less than that, or greater, but is in the Record Perspicuous: S. 34:3 Yusuf Ali

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Importance and Terminology

Importance and Terminology
Belief in al-Qiyāmah is considered a fundamental tenet of faith by all Muslims.[4] The trials and tribulations associated with it are detailed in both the Qur'an and the hadith, as well as in the commentaries of the Islamic expositors and scholarly authorities such as al-Ghazali, Ibn Kathir, Ibn Majah, Muhammad al-Bukhari, and Ibn Khuzaimah who explain them in detail. Every human, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, is held accountable for his or her deeds and are judged by God accordingly.[Qur'an 74:38].

The importance of the Last Judgement is underlined by the many references to it in the Qur'an and its many names. For example, it is also called "the Day of Reckoning",[Qur'an 71:18] "the Hour"[Qur'an 31:34][Qur'an 74:47], "Day of the Account"[Qur'an 72:130], "Day of the Gathering", "Day of the Reckoning", and the "Great Announcement".

Saturday, April 1, 2006

Islamic view of the Last Judgment

Islamic view of the Last Judgment
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Part of a series on the Islamic creed:

Five Pillars (Sunni)
Shahādah - Profession of faith
Ṣalāt - Prayers
Zakāh - Paying of alms (giving to the poor)
Ṣawm - Fasting during Ramadan
Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca

Six articles of belief (Sunni)
Tawhīd - Oneness
Prophets and Messengers in Islam
Islamic holy books
The Last Judgment

Principles of the Religion (Twelver)
Tawhīd - Oneness
‘Adalah - Justice
Nubuwwah - Prophethood
Imāmah - Leadership
Qiyamah - Day of Judgement

Practices of the Religion (Twelver)
Ṣalāt - Prayers
Ṣawm - Fasting during Ramadan
Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca
Zakāh - Tithes
Khums - One-fifth tax
Jihad - Struggle
Commanding what is just
Forbidding what is evil
Tawallā' - Loving the Ahl al-Bayt
Tabarrá - Disassociating Ahl al-Bayt's enemies

Seven Pillars (Ismaili)
Walāyah - Guardianship
Ṭawhid - Oneness of God
Ṣalāt - Prayers
Zakāh - Purifying religious dues
Ṣawm - Fasting during Ramadan
Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca
Jihad - Struggle

Kharijite Sixth Pillar of Islam.

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In Islam, Yawm al-Qiyāmah "the Day of Resurrection" (Arabic: يوم القيامة‎) or Yawm ad-Din "the Day of Judgement" (Arabic: يوم الدين‎) is God's final assessment of humanity. al-Qiyāmah is also the name of the 75th surah of the Qur'an.

The sequence of events according to the most common understanding is the annihilation of all creatures, resurrection of the body and the judgment of all sentient creatures. The time of the Hour is not known however there are Major.[1] and Minor Signs[2] which will occur near the time of Qiyamah (Doomsday) and these have been documented. Final judgment forms one of the main themes of the Qur'an. Many Qur'anic verses, especially the earliest ones, are dominated by the idea of the nearing Day of Resurrection.[3][4]

Thursday, March 30, 2006


At its core, Dragon Ball maintains the central tenets of the Weekly Shōnen Jump core philosophy of "friendship, struggle, and victory." As the series shifts from a "heart warming" story into a more action-oriented piece, the protagonists go through an unending cycle of fighting, winning, losing, learning important lessons, then returning to the fight. As the series progresses, the heroes continue this cycle by using miraculous devices to achieve life after death while continuing their on-going battles with the dead heroes who continue to learn lessons as they defeat their challengers.[4] The series also follows the idea that if someone is trying to be "the best", they can reach their goals by constantly challenging themselves.[5]

Saturday, March 25, 2006


[edit] History
After a few decades of such events three sons of Barron Collier—Barron, Miles, and Samuel—founded the Automobile Racing Club of America in 1933. That organization became the Sports Car Club of America in 1944. Throughout its history, American race car drivers such as Briggs Cunningham, Lake Underwood, Carroll Shelby, and Mark Donohue were among the contestants at these road racing events.

American purpose-built road courses include: Barber Motorsports Park, Miller Motorsports Park, Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, Lime Rock Park, Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, Road Atlanta, Portland International Raceway, and Virginia International Raceway.

Additionally, racing over public streets is making something of a comeback; the most famous race of this sort currently held is the Long Beach Grand Prix, hosted annually in Long Beach, California. Other famous street circuits in North America include events held in St. Petersburg, Florida, Montreal, Québec, Vancouver, British Columbia (no longer held), and Toronto, Ontario.

Airport runways figure into several part-time road courses in North America: Burke Lakefront Airport in Cleveland, Ohio hosted a Champ Car race through 2007, the St. Petersburg course uses the runway of Albert Whitted Airport as its main straight, and Sebring International Raceway, home of the prestigious 12-hour race in March, was formerly a military airfield in Sebring, Florida. More recently, the Edmonton Indy is held on the runways of Edmonton City Centre Airport in Edmonton, Alberta.

Monday, March 20, 2006

North American road courses

North American road courses
There was a long tradition of road racing on real streets in North America. However the term's definition has shifted over time, with the increasing dominance of Oval racing. The term road course is now often used as a catch-all phrase for any racetrack that is not an Oval, with even combined circuits (or Rovals as they are sometimes called) like the 24 Hour sports car version of Daytona being referred to as a road course. The most famous American "true" road courses are all actually purpose-built, but some where the original tradition evolved include: Riverside International Raceway at Riverside, California (now closed), Watkins Glen International at Watkins Glen, New York, Road America at Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, and Infineon Raceway at Sonoma, California.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Road racing

Road racing
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Road bike racing around Phillip Island
Riverside International Raceway is an example of a road courseThis article is about motor racing. For other uses, see Road racing (disambiguation).
Road racing is a form of motor racing held on paved, purpose-built race tracks (i.e. "road courses"), though racing done on airport runways and temporarily closed-off public roads (such as street circuits) is often included in the definition.

Road racing is also occasionally conducted using the infield and oval portions of tracks making a "roval", such as the 24 Hours of Daytona.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Bidang Kajian Sosiologi dan Interaksi Sosial 2

Pengertian Interaksi Sosial

Interaksi sosial dapat diartikan sebagai hubungan-hubungan sosial yang dinamis. Hubungan sosial yang dimaksud dapat berupa hubungan antara individu yang satu dengan individu lainnya, antara kelompok yang satu dengan kelompok lainnya, maupun antara kelompok dengan individu. Dalam interaksi juga terdapat simbol, di mana simbol diartikan sebagai sesuatu yang nilai atau maknanya diberikan kepadanya oleh mereka yang menggunakannya

Proses Interaksi sosial menurut Herbert Blumer adalah pada saat manusia bertindak terhadap sesuatu atas dasar makna yang dimiliki sesuatu tersebut bagi manusia. Kemudian makna yang dimiliki sesuatu itu berasal dari interaksi antara seseorang dengan sesamanya. Dan terakhir adalah Makna tidak bersifat tetap namun dapat dirubah, perubahan terhadap makna dapat terjadi melalui proses penafsiran yang dilakukan orang ketika menjumpai sesuatu. Proses tersebut disebut juga dengan interpretative process

Interaksi sosial dapat terjadi bila antara dua individu atau kelompok terdapat kontak sosial dan komunikasi. Kontak sosial merupakan tahap pertama dari terjadinya hubungan sosial Komunikasi merupakan penyampaian suatu informasi dan pemberian tafsiran dan reaksi terhadap informasi yang disampaikan. Karp dan Yoels menunjukkan beberapa hal yang dapat menjadi sumber informasi bagi dimulainya komunikasi atau interaksi sosial. Sumber Informasi tersebut dapat terbagi dua, yaitu Ciri Fisik dan Penampilan. Ciri Fisik, adalah segala sesuatu yang dimiliki seorang individu sejak lahir yang meliputi jenis kelamin, usia, dan ras. Penampilan di sini dapat meliputi daya tarik fisik, bentuk tubuh, penampilan berbusana, dan wacana.

Interaksi sosial memiliki aturan, dan aturan itu dapat dilihat melalui dimensi ruang dan dimensi waktu dari Robert T Hall dan Definisi Situasi dari W.I. Thomas. Hall membagi ruangan dalam interaksi sosial menjadi 4 batasan jarak, yaitu jarak intim, jarak pribadi, jarak sosial, dan jarak publik. Selain aturan mengenai ruang Hall juga menjelaskan aturan mengenai Waktu. Pada dimensi waktu ini terlihat adanya batasan toleransi waktu yang dapat mempengaruhi bentuk interaksi. Aturan yang terakhir adalah dimensi situasi yang dikemukakan oleh W.I. Thomas. Definisi situasi merupakan penafsiran seseorang sebelum memberikan reaksi. Definisi situasi ini dibuat oleh individu dan masyarakat.

Bentuk-bentuk Interaksi Sosial

Bentuk-bentuk interaksi sosial yang berkaitan dengan proses asosiatif dapat terbagi atas bentuk kerja sama, akomodasi, dan asimilasi. Kerja sama merupakan suatu usaha bersama individu dengan individu atau kelompok-kelompok untuk mencapai satu atau beberapa tujuan. Akomodasi dapat diartikan sebagai suatu keadaan, di mana terjadi keseimbangan dalam interaksi antara individu-individu atau kelompok-kelompok manusia berkaitan dengan norma-norma sosial dan nilai-nilai sosial yang berlaku dalam masyarakat. Usaha-usaha itu dilakukan untuk mencapai suatu kestabilan. Sedangkan Asimilasi merupakan suatu proses di mana pihak-pihak yang berinteraksi mengidentifikasikan dirinya dengan kepentingan-kepentingan serta tujuan-tujuan kelompok

Bentuk interaksi yang berkaitan dengan proses disosiatif ini dapat terbagi atas bentuk persaingan, kontravensi, dan pertentangan. Persaingan merupakan suatu proses sosial, di mana individu atau kelompok-kelompok manusia yang bersaing, mencari keuntungan melalui bidang-bidang kehidupan. Bentuk kontravensi merupakan bentuk interaksi sosial yang sifatnya berada antara persaingan dan pertentangan. Sedangkan pertentangan merupakan suatu proses sosial di mana individu atau kelompok berusaha untuk memenuhi tujuannya dengan jalan menantang pihak lawan yang disertai dengan ancaman dan kekerasan.

Untuk tahapan proses-proses asosiatif dan disosiatif Mark L. Knapp menjelaskan tahapan interaksi sosial untuk mendekatkan dan untuk merenggangkan. Tahapan untuk mendekatkan meliputi tahapan memulai (initiating), menjajaki (experimenting), meningkatkan (intensifying), menyatupadukan (integrating) dan mempertalikan (bonding). Sedangkan tahapan untuk merenggangkan meliputi membeda-bedakan (differentiating), membatasi (circumscribing), memacetkan (stagnating), menghindari (avoiding), dan memutuskan (terminating).

Pendekatan interaksi lainnya adalah pendekatan dramaturgi menurut Erving Goffman. Melalui pendekatan ini Erving Goffman menggunakan bahasa dan khayalan teater untuk menggambarkan fakta subyektif dan obyektif dari interaksi sosial. Konsep-konsepnya dalam pendekatan ini mencakup tempat berlangsungnya interaksi sosial yang disebut dengan social establishment, tempat mempersiapkan interaksi sosial disebut dengan back region/backstage, tempat penyampaian ekspresi dalam interaksi sosial disebut front region, individu yang melihat interaksi tersebut disebut audience, penampilan dari pihak-pihak yang melakukan interaksi disebut dengan team of performers, dan orang yang tidak melihat interaksi tersebut disebut dengan outsider.

Erving Goffman juga menyampaikan konsep impression management untuk menunjukkan usaha individu dalam menampilkan kesan tertentu pada orang lain. Konsep expression untuk individu yang membuat pernyataan dalam interaksi. Konsep ini terbagi atas expression given untuk pernyataan yang diberikan dan expression given off untuk pernyataan yang terlepas. Serta konsep impression untuk individu lain yang memperoleh kesan dalam interaksi

Global road courses

Global road courses
Global road-racing series such as Formula One and MotoGP are almost always conducted on dedicated race tracks, such as Suzuka, Monza, and Silverstone. Recent expansion of these series has resulted in dedicated tracks being built in Qatar in the Middle East, Sepang in Malaysia, and Shanghai in China.

Notable examples of temporary circuits include the Circuit de Monaco and the Guia Circuit, located on the streets of Monaco and Macau respectively, whereas the Mille Miglia, Targa Florio and Isle of Man TT are held on public roads.

Sunday, March 5, 2006

Dragon Ball

Dragon Ball
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This article is about the media franchise. For other uses, see Dragon Ball (disambiguation).
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Dragon Ball

First tankōbon volume, released in Japan on November 10, 1985
(Doragon Bōru)
Genre Bangsian fantasy, Martial arts, Science fiction
Author Akira Toriyama
Publisher Shueisha
English publisher Chuang Yi

Viz Media

Gollancz Manga
[show]Other publishers:
Conrad Editora

Juvenile & Children's Publishing House
Carlsen Comics
Sangatsu Manga
Carlsen Comics
CitiComics, Culturecom
Semic Interprint
Elex Media Komputindo
Star Comics
Grand Comics
Comics House
Grupo Editorial Vid
Glénat (Studio de Raaf)
Japonica Polonica Fantastica
/ Planeta deAgostini
Bonnier Carlsen
Tong Li Publishing
NED comics
Seoul Munhwasa
Kim Dong Publishing House

Eksmo & Comix-ART

Demographic Shōnen
Magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump
Shonen Jump
Formosa Youth
Original run 1984 – 1995
Volumes 42 (List of volumes)
TV anime
Director Minoru Okazaki
Daisuke Nishio
Studio Toei Animation
Licensor Pony Canyon
FUNimation Entertainment
Network Fuji TV, Animax
English network YTV

Cartoon Network, CNX, Toonami

Cartoon Network, CoLours TV, FUNimation Channel, Toonami Jetstream, KIKU
[show]Other networks:
Cartoon Network, Magic Kids

SBT, Globo, Cartoon Network
Canal Caracol, Citytv
Repretel 4
Telesistema Dominicano
TF1, TMC, AB1, Mangas, MCM, NT1
Italia 1
TV9, RTM 2, Animax
GMA 7, RPN 9, IBC 13,Animax
RTL 7, TVN Siedem
RTP1, SIC, SIC Radical
Antena 3, Cuatro, Canal Sur, Cartoon Network, Telemadrid
Modern Nine TV, iTV, Animax
Canal 9


Original run February 26, 1986 – April 12, 1989
Episodes 153 (List of episodes)
TV anime
Dragon Ball Z
Director Daisuke Nishio
Studio Toei Animation
Licensor Pony Canyon
FUNimation Entertainment
Network Fuji TV, Animax, Tokyo MX
English network Network Ten, Cartoon Network

Cartoon Network, Toonami

Cartoon Network
[show]Other networks:
Magic Kids, Canal 9, Cartoon Network

MCM, AB3, Club RTL
Band, Cartoon Network, Globo
Televisió de Catalunya
Megavisión, Etc...TV
Cartoon Network, Canal Caracol, CityTv
Telesistema Dominicano
Cartoon Network
TF1, TMC, RTL9, AB1, Mangas, MCM, NT1
Tele 5, RTL II
Cartoon Network, Toonami
The Children's Channel
Italia 1
RTM 2, TV 9
XHGC-TV, Cartoon Network
Cartoon Network
TV 3, Cartoon Network
Cartoon Network, Toonami
Cartoon Network
RPN 9, IBC 13, GMA Network
RTL 7, TVN Siedem
SIC, SIC Radical
Antena 3, Cartoon Network, Canal Sur, Telemadrid, Cuatro, Televisió de Catalunya, TVG, ETB
Modernine TV, ITV and TITV, Channel 3
Canal 9

Televen, Cartoon Network

Original run April 26, 1989 – January 31, 1996
Episodes 291 (List of episodes)
TV anime
Dragon Ball GT
Director Osamu Kasai
Studio Toei Animation
Licensor Funimation Entertainment
Network Fuji TV, Animax
English network Network Ten, Cartoon Network

Cartoon Network

Toonami, CNX
[show]Other networks:
Cartoon Network, Globo

Televisió de Catalunya
Cartoon Network Caracol
Telesistema Dominicano
TF1, TMC, RTL9, AB1, Mangas, MCM, NT1
The Children's Channel
Italia 1
XHGC-TV, Cartoon Network
Cartoon Network, Yorin
America Television
RPN 9 , GMA Network
RTL 7, TVN Siedem
SIC, SIC Radical
Antena 3, Canal Sur, TVC, ETB, TVG, Telemadrid, Cartoon Network, Cuatro

Modernine TV MCOT

Original run February 7, 1996 – November 19, 1997
Episodes 64 (List of episodes)
TV anime
Dragon Ball Kai
Studio Toei Animation
Network Fuji TV
Original run April 5, 2009 – ongoing
Episodes 35 (List of episodes)
Films, specials, and original video animations
Video games
Collectible card games
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z

Anime and Manga Portal
Dragon Ball (ドラゴンボール, Doragon Bōru?) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. It was originally serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1984 through 1995, and later the 519 individual chapters were published into 42 tankōbon volumes by Shueisha. Inspired by the Chinese folk novel Journey to the West, it follows the adventures of Son Goku from his childhood through adulthood as he trains in martial arts and explores the world in search of the seven mystical objects known as the Dragon Balls, which can summon a wish-granting dragon. Along his journey, Goku meets several friends and fights against several villains who also seek the Dragon Balls.

The 42 tankōbon have been adapted into three anime series produced by Toei Animation: Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT. Additionally, Toei has developed seventeen animated feature films and three television specials. In 2009, Toei started rebroadcasting Dragon Ball Z under the name of Dragon Ball Kai which changes the footage from the original anime. Several companies have developed various types of merchandising such as a collectible trading card game, and a large number of video games.

The series is licensed for an English language release in North America by Viz Media, in the United Kingdom by Gollancz Manga, and in Australia and New Zealand by Chuang Yi. Several companies have dubbed and aired the three anime series in North America. In China, it was produced a live-action film adaptation in 1989. In 2002, 20th Century Fox began production of the first American-made live-action film which was released on April 10, 2009.

Since its release, Dragon Ball has become one of the most popular manga series of its time in both Japan and North America. It enjoys a high readership, with over 150 million volumes of the series sold by 2007. Several manga artists have noted that the manga series was the inspiration for their own now popular works, including Naruto and One Piece. The anime is also highly popular, ranking number 12 among the best anime series of all time in 2006. Reviewers praise the art, characterization, and humor of the manga story. The anime series have had more mixed reviews, with the first also praised for its characterizations, but the second was criticized for its long, repetitive fights, and the third series considered even more repetitive.

Wednesday, March 1, 2006


See also: List of Dragon Ball characters
The series begins with a monkey-tailed boy named Goku befriending a teenaged girl named Bulma, and together they go on a quest to find the seven magic Dragon Balls. Along the way, they meet and befriend a plethora of martial artists. Goku also undergoes rigorous training regimes and educational programs in order to fight in the World Martial Arts Tournament, a competition involving the most powerful fighters in the world. Outside the tournaments, Goku faces diverse villains such as Emperor Pilaf, the Red Ribbon Army, the demon Piccolo Daimao and his offspring Piccolo Jr., who eventually becomes Goku's ally.[1]

As a young adult, Goku meets his older brother, Raditz, who tells him that they come from a race of extraterrestrials called Saiyans. The Saiyans had sent Goku to Earth to conquer it, but he suffered a severe head injury soon after his arrival and lost all memory of his mission. Goku refuses to help Raditz continue the mission, after which he begins to encounter others who want to battle him, such as the Saiyan prince Vegeta, who becomes his rival and, eventually, his ally as well. He later encounters Frieza, the galactic tyrant responsible for the destruction of the Saiyan race, whose actions cause Goku to transform into a legendary Super Saiyan. After an epic battle on the planet Namek, Goku defeats Frieza, avenging the lives of millions across the universe.[2]

Four years later, a group of androids from the former Red Ribbon Army appear, seeking revenge against Goku. During this time, an evil life form called Cell emerges and, after absorbing two of the androids to increase his power, holds his own martial arts tournament to decide the fate of the Earth, but is eventually defeated by Goku's first child Son Gohan. Seven years later, Goku is drawn into another battle for the universe against an extraterrestrial called Majin Buu. Joined by Vegeta and Gohan, Goku succeeds in destroying the evil half of Buu and the good half of Buu settles down with them. Ten years later, at another World Martial Arts Tournament, Goku meets the evil Buu's human reincarnation, Uub. At the end of the series, Goku takes Uub away on a journey to train him as the Earth's next defender.[3]

Saturday, February 25, 2006


"Dragon Boy" redirects here. For the Canadian mini-series, see Dragon Boys.
Wanting to break from the Western influences common in his other series, when Akira Toriyama began work on Dragon Ball he decided to loosely model it on the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West.[6][7] He also redeveloped one of his earlier one shot manga series, Dragon Boy, which was initially serialized in Fresh Jump and released in a single tankōbon volume in 1983.[7] This short work combined the comedic style of Toriyama's successful six-year series Dr. Slump with a more action-oriented plot and paid homage to famous martial art actor Jackie Chan.[7][8] Toriyama notes that his goal for the series was to tell an "unconventional and contradictory" story.[9]

In the early concept of the series, Goku and Piccolo were from Earth. With the introduction of Kami, the idea of having fights from other planets was established and Goku and Piccolo were changed to alien species.[10] For the female characters, Toriyama felt it was not fun to draw "weak females" so he created women that he felt were not only "beautiful and sexy", but also "strong".[9] Going against the normal convention that the strongest characters should be the largest in terms of physical size, he designed many of Dragon Ball's most powerful characters with small statures, including the protagonist, Goku.[9]

The Earth of Dragon Ball[11]The fighting techniques were initially unnamed, but the series editor felt it would be better to name them all. Toriyama proceeded to create names for all of the techniques, except for the Kamehameha (かめはめ波?, lit. "Turtle Striking Wave") which his wife named when Toriyama was indecisive about what it should be called.[10] When creating the fictional world of the series, Toriyama decided to create basing it from his own imagination to avoid referencing popular culture. However the island where the World Martial Arts Tournament is held is modeled after Bali. When having fights in the manga, Toriyama had the characters go to a place where nobody lived to avoid difficulties in drawing destroyed buildings. In order to advance the story quickly, he also gave most fighters the ability to fly so they could travel to other parts of the world without inconvenience. This was also the reasoning behind Goku learning to teletransport (thus allowing characters to move to any planet in a second).[10]

After the first chapters were released, readers commented that Goku seemed rather plain, so his appearance was changed. New characters (such as Master Roshi and Krillin) were added and martial arts tournaments were included to give the manga a greater emphasis on fighting. Anticipating that readers would expect Goku to win the tournaments, Toriyama had him lose the first two while continuing his initial goal of having Goku be the champion and hero. After Cell's death, he intended for Gohan to replace Goku as the series protagonist, but then felt the character was not suited for the role and changed his mind.[12]

Toriyama based the Red Ribbon Army from a video game he had played named Spartan X in which enemies tended to appear very fast. After the second tournament concluded, Toriyama wanted to have a villain who would be a true "bad guy." After creating Piccolo as the new villain, he noted that it was one of the most interesting parts of the stories and that he, and his son, became one of the favorite characters of the series. With Goku established as the strongest fighter on Earth, Toriyama decided to increase the number of villains that came from outer space. Finding the escalating enemies to be a pain to work with feeling it was too simple, he created the Ginyu squad to add more balance to the series.[12] During this period of the series, Toriyama placed less emphasis on the series art work, simplifying the lines and sometimes making things "too square." He found himself having problems determining the colors for characters and sometimes ended up changing them unintentionally mid-story.[8] In later accounts, Toriyama noted that he didn't plan out the details of the story, resulting in strange occurrences and discrepancies later in the series.[13]

Monday, February 20, 2006


Main article: List of Dragon Ball manga volumes
Written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama, Dragon Ball was initially serialized in the manga anthology Weekly Shōnen Jump starting in 1984.[7] The series ended in 1995 when Toriyama grew exhausted and felt he needed a break from drawing.[7] The 519 individual chapters were published into 42 tankōbon volumes by Shueisha from November 10, 1985 through August 4, 1995.[14][15][16] In 2004, the chapters were re-released in a collection of 34 kanzenban volumes, which included a slightly rewritten ending, new covers, and color artwork from its Weekly Shōnen Jump run. Toriyama also created a short series, Neko Majin, that became a self-parody of Dragon Ball. First appearing in Weekly Shōnen Jump in August 1999, the eight chapter series was released sporadically until it was completed in 2005. These chapters were compiled into a "kanzenban"-style package for release in Japan on April 4, 2005.[17]

The Dragon Ball manga was licensed for release in English in North America by Viz Media which has released all 42 volume in both censored and uncensored forms.[18] Viz released volumes 17 through 42 under the title Dragon Ball Z to mimic the name of the anime series adaptated from those volumes, feeling it would reduce the potential for confusion by its readers. The first volumes of both series were released in March 2003, with Dragon Ball being completed on August 3, 2004 and Dragon Ball Z finishing on June 6, 2006.[19][20] In June 2008, Viz began re-releasing the two series in a wideban format called "VIZBIG Edition", which collects three individual volumes into a single large volume.[21][22]

In 2006, Toriyama and One Piece author Eiichiro Oda teamed up to create a single chapter crossover of their individual hit series. Entitled Cross Epoch, the chapter was published in the December 25, 2006 issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump. A manga adaptation of Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!! illustrated by Ooishi Naho, was published in the March 21, 2009 and April 21, 2009 issues of V Jump.[23]

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Anime series

Anime series
Dragon Ball
Main article: List of Dragon Ball episodes (series)
Due to the high popularity of the Dragon Ball manga, Toei Animation produced two anime television series based on the manga chapters, and a third based on the series characters. The first series, also titled Dragon Ball, premiered in Japan on Fuji Television on February 26, 1986 and ran until April 12, 1989.[7]

Harmony Gold USA licensed the series for an English language release in North America in the late 1980s. In their voice dub of the series, Harmony renamed almost all of the characters, with some names appearing very odd, such as the central character Goku being renamed "Zero" and the character Korin's name changed to "Whiskers the Wonder Cat". This dub version was quickly canceled.[citation needed]

In 1995, Funimation Entertainment (then known as Funimation Productions) acquired the license for the series for broadcast and home video distribution in North America. Funimation contracted with BLT Productions to create an English voice track for the series at Dick & Roger's Sound Studio, and the dubbed episodes were edited for content.[24] Thirteen episodes aired in syndication before Funimation canceled the project due to low ratings, switching to working on the second anime series Dragon Ball Z.[7] In March 2001, Funimation announced the return of Dragon Ball to American television, featuring a new English audio track produced at their in-house dubbing Studio, Funimation Studios, and less editing.[24][25] The redubbed episodes aired on Cartoon Network from August 2001[26] to December 2003. Funimation also broadcast the series on Colours TV and their own Funimation Channel starting in 2006.[27] Funimation began releasing the uncut episodes to Region 1 DVD box sets in March 18, 2003. Each box set, spanning an entire saga of the series, included the English dub track and the original Japanese audio track with optional English subtitles. These sets were released in Australia the following year. They were eventually discontinued and the series was re-released in 2008 as two box sets, the first containing 12 discs and the second containing 10 discs. In 2003, a new dub, produced by Blue Water Studios, was created and began to air in the United Kingdom and Canada. It used different episode titles and voice actors versus the Funimation version.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z
Main article: List of Dragon Ball Z episodes
With the ending of Dragon Ball, Toei Animation quickly released a second anime television series, Dragon Ball Z (ドラゴンボールZ(ゼット), Doragon Bōru Zetto?, commonly abbreviated DBZ). Picking up where the first left off, Dragon Ball Z is adapted from the final twenty-six volumes of the manga series. It premiered in Japan on Fuji Television on April 26, 1989, taking over its predecessor's time slot, and ran for 291 episodes until its conclusion on January 31, 1996.[7]

Following the cancelled dub of Dragon Ball, Funimation Productions licensed Dragon Ball Z for an English language release in North America, and contracted Ocean Studios to produce an English dub track. Like the original dub of Dragon Ball, Ocean's dub of Dragon Ball Z was heavily edited for content, as well as length, reducing the first 67 episodes into 53. The series premiered in the United States on The WB Television Network in September 1996 and aired until May 1998 before being cancelled, once again due to low ratings. Three months later, the dubbed episodes began airing on Cartoon Network as part of the channel's new Toonami programming block, where the series received much more attention. Soon after, Funimation continued dubbing the series from where the cancelled dub left off, now using its own in-house voice actors, a new musical score, and less editing. The new dub of Dragon Ball Z aired on Cartoon Network from September 1999 to April 2003.

In August 2004, Geneon Entertainment lost its licensing rights to the old Ocean dubbed episodes of Dragon Ball Z, allowing Funimation to re-dub the first 67 episodes, restore the removed content and replace the old dubbing with its in-house voice cast. These re-dubbed episodes aired on Cartoon Network throughout the summer of 2005. The Funimation dubbed episodes also aired in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and the Republic of Ireland.[28][29] Beginning with episode 108, another dub produced by Ocean Studios was created. This new dub was edited for content, and was broadcast in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Ireland instead of Funimation's dub. In 2006, Funimation remastered the episodes then began re-releasing the series in nine individual season boxsets. The first set was released on February 6, 2007; the final set on May 19, 2009. In June 2009, Funimation announced that they would be re-releasing Dragon Ball Z and the movies in a new seven volume set called the "Dragon Boxes". Based on the original series masters with frame-by-frame restoration, the first set was released on November 10, 2009.[30]

Sunday, February 5, 2006

Dragon Ball GT

Dragon Ball GT
Main article: List of Dragon Ball GT episodes
Produced by Toei Animation, Dragon Ball GT (ドラゴンボールGT(ジーティー), Doragon Bōru Jī Tī?, G(rand) T(our)[7]) premiered on Fuji TV on February 2, 1996, and ran until November 19, 1997. Unlike the first two series, it was not based on the original Dragon Ball manga.[31] The series lasted 64 episodes.[7] In Dragon Ball GT, Goku is turned back into a child by the Black Star Dragon Balls and is forced to travel across the universe to retrieve them.

Funimation Productions licensed the series for an English language Region 1 DVD release and broadcast in North America. Funimation's English dub of the series aired on Cartoon Network from November 2003 to January 2005. The television broadcast skipped the first 16 episodes of the series. Instead, Funimation created a composition episode entitled "A Grand Problem", which used scenes from the skipped episodes to summarize the story. The skipped episodes were later aired after the remaining episodes of the series had been broadcast. The dubbed episodes also aired in Canada on YTV, which divided the episodes into two seasons instead of sagas.[32][33]

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Dragon Ball Kai

Dragon Ball Kai
Main article: List of Dragon Ball Kai episodes
In February 2009, Toei Animation announced that it would begin rebroadcasting Dragon Ball Z as part of the series' 20th anniversary celebrations. The series premiered on April 5, 2009, under the name Dragon Ball Kai, with the episodes remastered for HDTV, featuring updated opening and ending sequences, and a rerecording of the vocal tracks by most of the original cast.[34][35] The footage was also re-edited to more closely follow the manga, resulting in a faster moving story, and damaged frames removed.[36] As such, it is a "new" series created from the original Dragon Ball Z footage.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Anime films

Anime films
Main article: List of Dragon Ball films
Sixteen anime films based on the Dragon Ball series have been released in Japan. The first three films were based on episodes of the first Dragon Ball anime with a few aspects of the original episodes changed. The remaining 13 films were set in Dragon Ball Z and featured original stories that were based on neither the manga nor the anime.[37] Funimation Entertainment licensed and released all of the films to DVD in North America.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006



Main article: List of Dragon Ball specials
Four anime specials based on the series were released in Japan. The first, Bardock - The Father of Goku, was released on October 17, 1990. A prequel, it is set years before the start of the manga and details how Goku's father, Bardock, discovers that Frieza is planning to kill all the other Saiyans, and his efforts to stop him. The second special, The History of Trunks was released on March 24, 1993. Based on an extra chapter of the original manga, it is set in a parallel universe where most of the series characters are killed by a group of soldiers known as androids. A two-episode original video animation (OVA) series titled Dragon Ball Z Gaiden: Saiyan Zetsumetsu Keikaku and based on the Famicom video game of the same name, was released in 1993 and was set during Dragon Ball Z.[38] A Hero's Legacy, released on March 26, 1997, is set 100 years after the end of Dragon Ball GT. It features one of Goku's descendants who begins looking for the Dragon Balls in order to help his sick grandmother. The newest special, Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!, premiered at the Jump Super Anime Tour in November 24, 2008. The special is set two years after the defeat of the Kid Buu and has Goku and his friends facing against new enemies, Avo and Kado, and meeting Vegeta's younger brother, Tarble.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Video games

Video games
Main article: List of Dragon Ball video games
The Dragon Ball franchise has spawned multiple video games across various genres and platforms. Earlier games of the series included a system of card battling and were released for the Nintendo Entertainment System following the storyline of the series.[39] Starting Super Nintendo Entertainment System, the Sega Saturn and the PlayStation most of the games were from the fighting genre including the series Super Butoden.[40] The first Dragon Ball game to be released in the United States was Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout for the PlayStation on July 31, 1997.[41] For the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable games the characters were redone in 3D cel-shaded graphics. These games included the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai series and the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi series.[42][43] Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit was the first game of the series developed for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles.[44] A massively multiplayer online role-playing game called Dragon Ball Online is currently in development for 2009. It has been stated that Akira Toriyama has been working on character designs for this project for the last five years.[45]

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Main article: List of Dragon Ball soundtracks
A myriad of soundtracks were released to the anime, movies and the games. The music for the first two anime Dragon Ball and Z and its films was directed by Shunsuke Kikuchi, while the music from GT was directed by Akihito Tokunaga and the music from Kai was directed by Kenji Yamamoto. For the first anime, the soundtracks released were Dragon Ball: Music Collection in 1985 and Dragon Ball: Complete Song Collection in 1991 although they were reissued in 2007 and 2003, respectively.[46] For the second anime, the soundtrack series released were Dragon Ball Z Hit Song Collection Series. It was produced and released by Columbia Records of Japan from July 21, 1989 to March 20, 1996 the show's entire lifespan. On September 20, 2006 Columbia re-released the Hit Song Collection on their Animex 1300 series.[47][48] Other CDs released are compilations, video games and films soundtracks as well as music from the English versions.[49]

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Live action films

Live action films
A live-action Mandarin Chinese film adaptation of the series, Dragon Ball: The Magic Begins, was released in Taiwan Province in Republic of China in 1989.[7] Considered a "tacky" version of the story by critics,[7] the plot revolves around a rag-tag group of heroes, led by "Monkey Boy" (Goku) trying to stop King Horn from using the wish-granting "Dragon Pearls" (Dragon Balls) to rule the world.

In March 2002, 20th Century Fox acquired feature film rights to the Dragon Ball franchise[50] and began production on an American live action film entitled Dragonball Evolution.[51] Ben Ramsey was tapped to create a screenplay based on Dragon Ball Z.[52] Directed by James Wong and produced by Stephen Chow,[51] the film was released in the United States on April 10, 2009.[53]

Thursday, January 5, 2006

Art books

Art books
There are two companion books to the series, called the Dragon Ball GT Perfect Files, released in May 1997 and December 1997 by Shueisha's Jump Comics Selection imprint. They include series information, illustration galleries, behind-the-scenes information, and more. They were out of print for many years, but were re-released in April 2006 and this edition is still in print.[54][55]

Sunday, January 1, 2006


Dragon Ball is one of the most popular manga series of its time, and it continues to enjoy high readership today. By 2000, more than 126 million copies of its tankōbon volumes had been sold in Japan alone.[4] By 2007, this number had grown to pass 150 million.[14] It is the "quintessential mainstream manga" driven by an unending story. Its immense popularity resulted in the series being continuously extended, first through the use of acrobatic devices that regularly kept the series from falling into the routine characters and story lines, then by having the central characters surpass death itself using miraculous devices. In Little Boy: The Art of Japan's Exploding Subculture Takashi Murakami notes that Dragon Ball's "never-ending cyclical narrative moves forward plausibly, seamlessly, and with great finesse."[4] Goku's journey and his ever growing strength resulted in the character winning "the admiration of young boys everywhere".[6] On several occasions the Dragonball anime series has topped Japan's DVD sales.[56][57]

In a survey conducted by Oricon in 2007 between 1,000 people, Goku, the main character of the franchise, ranked first place as the "Strongest Manga character of all time."[58] Manga artists, such as Naruto creator Masashi Kishimoto and One Piece creator Eiichiro Oda, have stated that Goku inspired their series' main protagonists as well series structure.[59][60] When TV Asahi conducted an online poll for the top one hundred anime, the Dragon Ball series came in place twelve.[61] The first episode of Dragon Ball Kai earned a viewer ratings percentage of 11.3, ahead of One Piece and behind Crayon Shin-Chan.[62] Although following episodes had lower ratings, Kai was still maintained as one of the most viewed anime series from Japan.[63][64]

Animerica felt the series had "worldwide appeal" that uses dramatic pacing and over the top martial arts action to "maintain tension levels and keep a crippler crossface hold on the audience's attention spans".[5] Ridwan Khan from commented on the manga to have a "chubby" art style but as the series continued it gets more refined with the characters leaner and more muscular. He also noted he preferred the manga versions of the series to their animated counterparts that makes the story slower and pointless.[65] Anime News Network praised the story and humor of the manga to be very good due conveying of all the characters's personalities. They also remarked Viz's translation to be one of the best ones of all the English editions of the series praising the lack of censor.[66] remarked the first manga volume as "a superior humor title". They praised Goku's innocence and Bulma's insistence as one of the funniest parts of the series.[67] Writer Jason Thompson commented that the series popularity comes from a formula that Toriyama used in various story arcs from which he describes as "lots of martial arts, lots of training sequences, a few jokes." Yet, he noted that such formula became the model for other manga from the same genre such as Yu-Gi-Oh! or Naruto.[68]

The anime adaptations have also had different positive reviews. Dragon Ball Z was listed as the 78th best animated show in IGN's Top 100 Animated Series.[69] T.H.E.M. Anime Reviews considered the series characters are different from stereotypes characters and noted that they have much more development and in its sequels.[70] However, they criticized Dragon Ball Z for having long and repetitive fights, though they remarked the show has good characterization.[71] The storylines of Dragon Ball Z have been compared to Greek mythology.[72] Anime News Network considered Trunks's storyline to have an actual storyline with characters having more motivation than the common plot of the series.[73] IGN commented that Dragon Ball GT "is downright repellent" mentioning that the material and characters have lost their novelty and fun. They also criticized the character designs of Trunks and Vegeta as goofy.[74] Anime News Network has had negative comments of Dragon Ball GT. They mentioned the fights from the series are a very simple childish exercise and that many other anime were better. The plot of the series has also been criticized for giving a formula that was already used on its prequels.[75]