Monday, November 30, 2009

Improving the Sea Surface

Improving the Sea Surface

Changes of average height measured from sea-level areas with a stable environment in geologi.Ketika atmosphere warms, the ocean surface layer will be warmer, so the volume will grow and raise the sea level. Warming will also melt much glacier ice, especially around Greenland, further swelling the sea. Sea levels worldwide rose 10 - 25 cm (4 - 10 inches) during the 20th century, and IPCC scientists predict a further rise of 9 to 88 cm (4 to 35 inches) in the 21st century.

Sea-level changes will complicate life in the coastal region. Increase of 100 cm (40 inches) will submerge 6 percent of The Netherlands, 17.5 percent of Bangladesh, and many islands. Erosion of cliffs, beaches, and dunes will increase. When the high seas to reach the mouth of the river, flooding caused by high water will rise on the mainland. Rich countries will spend huge amounts of money to protect the shorelines, while poor countries may simply evacuate from coastal areas.

Even a modest rise in sea level will greatly change coastal ecosystems. Increase of 50 cm (20 inches) will submerge about half of coastal wetlands in the United States. New marshes will form in, but not in urban areas and regions that have been built. This sea-level rise will cover much of the Florida Everglades.

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